Mar 1, 2009

philly convention weekend

Basically the Philly  tattoo convention was the highlight of my month. February has been extremely slow and boring, hence the lack of blog entries. I left saturday morning for Philly and it only took me an hour and 45 minutes to get there, except for the fact that I got so completely lost in the city trying to figure out where the convention was. I had to have driven around for a good 45 minutes, but I managed to find it eventually. I met up with Nina and all the other GQ ladies and worked the booth for a little until I ran into Solveigh! We wandered the convention for a while and made conversation with quite some interesting people. I ended up getting the side of my hands tattooed for 50 bucks. Around 9ish, all of the GQs and I had to meet up at the "Urban Ink Magazine" room for a group photo shoot that is going to be featured in one of their upcoming issues. There were so many of us and the room was so small and the lights were brighter then you could ever imagine. Overall, the shoot was a lot of fun. After the convention i drove down to Baltimore and spent the night there. Drove back this afternoon, blah blah blah. Went riding at 4, which went extremely well. That about sums it up! 
